About Retirement Unlimited, Incorporated

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A Legacy Built on Excellence

In 1962, after years of working together in building construction, Virginia entrepreneurs and friends Horrace Fralin and Elbert Waldron joined forces to create Fralin and Waldron branded companies.

A passion for providing exceptional customer service as well as an enriching and luxurious lifestyle for the senior population led to the creation of Retirement Unlimited, Incorporated (RUI) in 1982. RUI strives to take the senior living experience to the next level by offering diverse enrichment programs, social experiences, and levels of care in a comfortable and elegant setting. 

Now in its third generation of leadership, RUI continues to be a Virginia-based family-run business, keeping the values and traditions set forth by Mr. Fralin and Mr. Waldron’s vision of delivering a lifestyle our residents have earned and deserve.

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Certified Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work Institute and its senior care partner Activated Insights have honored Retirement Unlimited, Inc. with certification as a Great Place to Work. 

The certification process involved surveying 100% of employees from across Retirement Unlimited, Inc.’s locations and evaluating more than 60 elements of team members’ experience on the job. 

These included employee pride in the organization’s community impact, belief that their work makes a difference, and feeling their work has special meaning. Rankings are based on employees’ experiences, no matter who they are or what they do.

RUI Gives Back

RUI is committed to actively and consistently giving back to the communities where our residents and team members reside. Our #RUIGivesBack initiative stemmed from the involvement that many of our residents already had in the surrounding area; RUI sought to cater to that passion and incorporated the initiative into the core programming.  

Now, the #RUIGivesBack initiative spans all 53 of our communities where at least one day a month is devoted to community service. Through #RUIGivesBack, we partner with local organizations and nonprofits to better the life, culture, and resources of the people in our area and beyond.

Meet William Fralin


William H. Fralin is the current CEO of Retirement Unlimited Incorporate and has held this position since 2012. He plays a vital role in the Legacy of RUI, as the nephew of one of the company’s founders, Horace Fralin. With over 20 years of experience exhibiting outstanding leadership in the field of healthcare and public service, Mr. Fralin’s career has illustrated a passion for serving people. With a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Virginia and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Richmond, Mr. Fralin champions the value of education and continued growth.

From 2004 to 2010 he represented the 17th District of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates where he advocated for over 60 bills that would enhance school safety, fight against domestic violence, redevelop inner cities, and much more. He currently sits on the Board of the GO Virginia Foundation, the Board of Verge, the Board of the Virginia Museum of History and Culture, is an active member of the Virginia Business Council, and he worked at Medical Facilities of America, Inc. for 20 years where he held the title of President and CEO.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Michele Thompson

Chief Operating Officer
Team Member Since 2021

Emily Erickson

Chief Clinical Officer
Team Member Since 2016

Elliot Fitzgerald

Chief Human Resources Officer & General Counsel
Team Member Since Team Member Since 2022

Novel Martin

Chief Financial Officer
Team Member Since 2024

Francesca Decker

Chief Investment Officer
Team Member Since 2024

Cleo Kitt, PHD

Senior Vice President of Leadership Development
Team Member Since 1997

Amanda Brooks

Vice President of Operations
Team Member Since 2018

Amanda Stanfield, RN, MSN-L/M

Vice President of Clinical Services
Team Member Since 2009

Hannah Sison, RN

Registered Nurse
Team Member Since 2023

Tony Johnson

Vice President of Human Resources

Darren Eversole

Vice President of Finance
Team Member Since 2013

Danielle Hagenseker

Communications and Public Relations Manager
For Media Inquiries Email: danielle.hagenseker@rui.net

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